
◉1月20日は「二十日正月」✨ Greetings of HATSUKA SHOUGATSU 💖


◉January 20 is "Twenty Days of New Year's Day.

According to an Internet search, it is also known as "Beggar's New Year" or "Bone New Year," because people eat up all the leftover food from the New Year's feast." I was told that it is a "New Year's Day" celebration.




はり・きゅう治療院じんじん 院長💖

◉January 20 is "Twenty Days of New Year's Day.

According to an Internet search, it is also known as "Beggar's New Year" or "Bone New Year," because people eat up all the leftover food from the New Year's feast." I was told that it is a "New Year's Day" celebration.

It is an event unique to the cold season, where the food and dishes were cherished and stored in the old customs.
This year, our homemade oseki-ryori was packed in lacquer stacked boxes and enjoyed by everyone.

Even if it is not a dinner that takes days of preparation like this, I would like to think of the homemade meal as a symbol of peace, especially starting this year ✨.

It is getting colder. Please take care of yourselves 💖.

Director of Jinjin, an acupuncture and moxibustion clinic 💖


2024年 あけましておめでとうございます❣️🎍🌅




✨May 2024 be a peaceful and healthy year!

2024年 元旦

はり・きゅう治療院 じんじん 院長 💖✨❣️


✨来年がみなさまにとって、健やかで平和な 素晴らしい1年でありますように🙏


来年がみなさまにとって、健やかで平和な 素晴らしい1年でありますように🙏


はり・きゅう治療院じんじん 院長💖


🎀 Pink Ribbons for breast cancer & 🎃A Safe and Happy Halloween ! 💖

 我が家の 今日の ちょっとした飾りです 🙂 😺

⭐️It's a little decoration at our house today. 😺 🙂 

🎗Pink Ribbons for the understanding of breast cancer by me, one of the breast cancer survivor 🎀 &
🎃A Safe and Happy Halloween ! 💖
🎀乳がんサバイバーの一人である私からの、「乳がん理解」のためのピンクリボン🎗 & 🎃安全で楽しいハロウィーンを!💖

...🎃あらためてWikiで読むと ケルト/アイルランド発祥の とてもスピリチュアルなものですね。メキシコの死者の日や日本のお盆の様な印象がありました。

🎃 Reading it again on Wiki, it's very spiritual, of Celtic/Irish origin. I had the impression it was like Mexican Day of the Dead or Japanese Obon.
Not a virtual runaway of young people, but a quiet time with the spirits of cats, animals and people .

はり・きゅう治療院じんじん 院長💖


残暑お見舞い申し上げます💖 I wish you the best in the lingering summer heat. 💖


I wish you the best in the lingering summer heat.


The shells of cicadas in our garden that have watched over our move over the past two years...Such a precious form of life.



The heat wave is expected to continue into September... I wonder if the season's greetings will also change.🤔 

I hope you all take care of yourselves.

はり・きゅう治療院 じんじん 院長 💖





💖✨New research has been published on the mechanism of breast cancer development!...If you are suffering from the disease, please take care of yourself... I am with you. 💖

◉はり・きゅう治療院 じんじん 院長 ❤️

【発症数十年前に最初の変異 10歳ごろ、乳がん患者2割】 

(共同通信 7/27(木) 0:00配信)
